Download Azan and enjoy the most Most Beautiful Azan by the best Muadins in the Islamic world it can be used as Fajr Alarm, Ezan Alarm or Salat Reminder some exemples of Adan : athan from mecca (makkah ) or medina or al masjid al-haram, Adaan Saudi, ezan from Egypt, Al quds ( Jerusalem ) Athan. Azan MP3 is an Islamic app that allows you to listen the azan sounds. Athan - Azan MP3 Pro Muslim is a collection of the Islamic azan which is the call for prayer in the muslim world, this Azaan is made by the Imam or the muadine or muazine, for more than 1400 year the Athan is heard all.Īthan - Azan MP3 Pro Muslim is a collection of the Islamic azan which is the call for prayer in the muslim world, this Azaan is made by the Imam or the muadine or muazine, for more than 1400 year the Athan is heard all over the world to the believers to Pray to Allah.